Wow!!! Short and Funny!!!
I actually took the time to read all of those really fast messages when he got the new tool!
The fast parts included:
"And that's how blood works and boy are you gonna see a lot of it. Hey by the way did you see that film about tingle in the park?"
"Wow, you skiped that message preaty quickly. You must be a good reader."
"Its sick what he dose to those kids. All you heard was eeinf eeinf kalloo impah it was weird."
"Ok now im starting to think your not reading them at all."
"Thats it you asked for this... your parents are dead and your not realy and elf so ha."
"you still have stupid ears though you freak."
"im sorry I take that last bit back you actualy have very nice ears"
I spelled the words exactly the same that they were spelled in the messages. Overall it would have been better if the video was a little longer. Nice Video!!!